Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's that time again!

Hello again,
It's that time of year again! The time of year where I reflect on the year that was and wonder about the year that will be. I would like to mention that I do not make New Year's resolutions because I have always been against that because they are often difficult to accomplish and we should never just make these once a year and I prefer to make "resolutions", or goals as I call them, once a month.
2009 has been an interesting year for me as every year seems to be. lol Even though I am still recovering from back surgery, it hasn't kept me from living my life as full as I am able and that is also why I feel I have so few regrets each year at this time. It isn't to say I don't have periods where I wish that I could be able to do more which do happen and I remind myself that it could always be worse and I remember all the things I still can do and all the improvement I have made. I had alot of technical firsts this year and I am very proud of myself for that. Firsts such as being able to drive again for the first time since before my first surgery in 2007 or being able to go into grocery stores again which seems so familiar almost and normal again! I still have my limitations and I still need help from my family for some daily needs and I still can't be up for more than about 1.5hrs at a time but they are small compared to the challenges I have overcome. If I can bring up 2008 for a moment, I was simply happy that I had managed to be able to get changed without the help of my mother and be able to sit up for more than 10 minutes!!! Also 2008 I still needed more surgery and it was a rough year. This year has been filled with improvement versus just trying to keep going and pushing myself and trying to stay positive despite little improvement. Though I have dealt with more frustration this year due to being so close to having my life back but it being just out of my grasp! As far as other events, I had a major battle with the government over financial assistance and lost and at one point had a total of $4 in my account! That was a pretty tough month and caused a great deal of stress and uncertainty over how I would get by. We did major renovations on the house (well my dad did) and I got a new room that does not leak! It isn't rotting either!!! YAY! I spent between 5-6months with my sister doing glorified camping I guess while the new part was being constructed. It was interesting and nice to be technically on our own without parents sort of. I also became a proud new Auntie! My older sister and brother in law had a wonderful and adorable baby boy! I also got in over my head with starting almost 400 plants in the greenhouse! oops. but it turned out okay with the help of my family and our yard looked beautiful! Even after the huge hail storm in August! We had a major wind storm also where we lost huge branches and our neighbors lost half the roof of their barn and we have never seen wind so strong or so fierce. This is just a snapshot of all the things that have happened this year! I probably should stop before I bore people any further. :) I suppose reading this is like looking through a mountain of someone else's photos.
Now for the look ahead to 2010. The first thought that comes to mind is how my family and I always said we would have this or that done in or by 2010! Something would come up that we could not accomplish at that time and we would say "we will do it in 2010!" At that time, 2010 seemed so incredibly far away like it would never come. lol But now it is here and I don't know if it is humanly possible to complete everything we said we would do in 2010. Though we have accomplished some of those things which we said we would put off till this coming year. As far as my life goes though, I hope to see me working again this year and having the life back that I have missed so much these past 6yrs. I miss having the ability to go to work and have a job and an income and the independance that comes with it. I just want to be able to work again! I did feel that I would start working this last fall though so I can not say for sure whether this will indeed happen but I am pretty sure that it will.... hopefully. I really have no idea what this year will bring and it is so full of unknowns which makes it so exciting for me! I know I don't make resolutions but I do look at each new year and each day even as a clean slate where anything is possible! Some fear the future because it is unknown but I love it because anything can still happen where the past is known and lived already. Not to say I don't enjoy each day though because I am too excited about the future-I try to live each day the best I can so I can look back without regrets because I just sat around waiting for things to improve. Life isn't something that comes I suppose but it is what you do each day and every moment counts because you will never get that moment back to live over again.
Sorry I have rambled on quite a bit now so I shall leave it at this and hopefully even one person has enjoyed sharing this time of reflection and wondering with me. Happy New Year!!!

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