Thursday, December 31, 2009

To the brave Soldiers and their families

Hi again,
I just want to take a moment and think about and thank the Canadian soldiers who fight for Canada. Yesterday we lost 4 more soldiers and a reporter and it is so sad but I am so grateful for the bravery of these men and women who risk their lives for this great country of ours. Whether we are for or against this war, I think we can all be proud of the brave soldiers. I don't always know where I stand on my opinion of whether Canada should be there but I do know without a shred of doubt that I support the soldiers who are fighting and I am proud of the soldiers who are so brave to do a job like this. We are free in Canada because of the soldiers past and present that have fought and are fighting for us. I also send my sincere condolences to the families of soldiers who have passed away. Losing a loved one is very difficult. As we look ahead to 2010, let's remember those who have risked their lives to give us the opportunity to continue to enjoy the freedom and security in Canada.

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