Thursday, March 4, 2010

My thoughts on The Secret

Hi again,
Well yesterday I watched Oprah-yes I watch Oprah sometimes if it sounds interesting. Anyways it was about beauty and what it looks like around the world and what not and was quite interesting actually. BUT of course Oprah had to bring up stuff about the Secret which she is in to and I was like oh boy here it comes again. Let me say right off I am against alot of what is in The Secret. Also it is frustrating that because Oprah endorses it then people seem to follow blindly without really thinking about it and what they are agreeing with. The whole premise of the Secret I think is on how the Universe is in control and it gives you back what you give out. But my major problem with this is that essentially bad stuff that happens to you is completely your fault and in some cases it actually is but in the instance of rape or murder-how can you tell people they were raped because of something they sent out in to the universe that caused the universe to cause this to happen? Let me say right now that people who are raped did not do this to themselves and it is NOT their fault. I believe in God and free will of every person and there is evil in this world also as well as good. Not some universe that gives you what you ask for. I do think that a small bit of the Secret is right in the sense that we attract people who are like us in the sense that if we are positive that positive people will likely enjoy beign around us but that is ALL that is correct with the Secret. Beyond that it is bogus. Yesterday Oprah said to Jessica Simpson that because she feels she has learned what Beauty really is that the universe is going to test her to see if she has really learned this lesson because the universe is always teaching us lessons and testing us. LOL ROFL Uh this had me laughing pretty hard! Well I think I can explain this in more normal terms here. Well Jessica appears on Oprah and essentially is putting a spotlight on herself where people see her and will either critisize or applaud her. The universe Oprah is actually speaking about is of the people variety. Not some cosmic force that causes people to do things to test Jessica Simpson. I personally think Jessica looks healthy and beautiful and I don't get why anyone would want to say she is fat but I guess some people like annorexic girls that are sticks I suppose? How is that beautiful? I am sorry-I try to be nice and polite about things I post but this is so extremely frustrating for me that people would believe this. I try to not let things get under my skin but it doesn't always work and this is something that I really have a hard time with and it has really gotten under my skin. Thanks for reading and I hope I have not offended anyone.

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