Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pulling back a bit

Hi again,
The past few days I have been thinking about how much I share on here and whether it is too much or not. I have been trying to be open and trying to share experiences but I am wondering if I have been too open. For most of my life I have preferred to keep quiet about my personal stuff even to the point that I was afraid to ask for a prayer request when I was sick because I would have to share that I was sick and then the whole church would have known. I am not talking the flu though-I am talking about being sick that I made trips to the ER type sick. Anyways I thought I needed to change and be more open but I think I went from one extreme to the other and I have been too open. I have been feeling pretty exposed almost and I hate that feeling. One time I had opened up to someone and I trusted them and then I felt exposed and ended up wanting to run away and hide and move away to some remote island even though it was probably less than I have shared on here. I felt embarrassed and like the person could see right through me and even though that person may not have had problems with it-I did. I wanted to go back and erase all the moments where I had shared and I wanted to take it all back. I was so uncomfortable. I want to be more open and be more normal but I don't know if I know the acceptable limit is and where it becomes too much. I am learning though. I am not sure if I have shared too much here or not and if people will be happy that I am pulling back a bit but I am. lol I have even thought about erasing certain posts but I will leave them for now. I actually feel a little clueless right now on what should and should not be shared. I suppose that is what I get for keeping so much to myself for so long. Well I need to go to bed now! I am exhausted. Thanks for reading.

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