Tuesday, January 12, 2010


As I sit here tonight thinking about what I should write about, I look around my room to see my shelves of books and I feel compelled to write about books. lol Yes Books. Well maybe not books so much but reading books. As someone who loves to read, I find it hard to imagine life without them. I also have a hard time understanding those who don't like to read. But we all have different passions and I get that. There is something so magical about a book and how it whisks you off to this imaginary world where anything is possible. You can travel places with a book that are not possible in the real world where there are dragons or evil witches or mysterious creatures or worlds that are full of magic. A book takes you on a trip. Sometimes a book is a great escape from reality. I should note that a book's magic depends on the author who writes the book full of words that are masterfully strung together to create a masterpiece that sends us on each adventure. I am so thankful for the authors who spend their time writing these books that we can read them. So I encourage you to pick up a good book and let your imagination run wild and enjoy the adventure that it takes you on. Thanks for listening.

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