Friday, January 29, 2010

Beauty skin deep??

hi again,
I want to talk about something that has been on my mind lately. Beauty and what it is and the lengths people go to make themselves look beautiful or what they consider to be beautiful. Recently there was something on the news about a celebrity who went to awful lengths to change her appearance to make herself look more beautiful. I won't get any further into because I don't believe she deserves any more mention than this. Anyways I mention this because it really got me wondering why people go through these procedures to change themselves to be considered more beautiful or attractive. Who is it for? Are they doing it for themselves that they look in the mirror and like what they see or are they doing it to make themselves more attractive to other people? Either way I don't think it is for the right reasons. You may be thinking that I am beautiful and I don't have flaws that I would need fixed and that is why I don't understand why women would do this. I am not actually that pretty I don't think according to standards set by society and I definitely have my flaws but that is what makes me who I am. If people can not accept me the way I look then that is their problem and they are sort of shallow. I wasn't always happy with my looks but then I realized that this is me and being unhappy with myself would just lead to an unhappy life. I wish some days I had the beauty that others have because I am human but I would not go for plastic surgery to change my appearance. I am not against plastic surgery in the case that it is neccessary to repair something but I am against nose jobs and facelifts and what ever else is done. It just seems so absolutely shallow. I also think that people who change their appearance have a low self esteem. When I think about what beauty is, I don't really see the outer appearance so much affecting how beautiful a person is but more what is on the inside and what shows through in terms of how a person acts and their confidence and how they treat others. Also another reason to be against plastic surgery-the cost. When I think about people who are starving and just wanting something to eat and the money that could be used to help them but it is used instead on something so shallow-I don't get it at all and it is really sad. Maybe instead people should look in the mirror and tell themselves they actually are beautiful and look at the features they have that are good and not focus on what they think is bad. Again I am not talking about people who have to get it for medical reasons or if people have had their face disfigured and need it-I am talking about people who really actually do not need it and are just trying to change themselves into someone they are not. I am talking about people like this celeb who was beautiful already and still got stuff done and in my opinion looks worse now than before. I am talking about people who are more focused on their appearance than they are on character and who they are as a person. I am not saying you should not take care of yourself and stuff but just enjoy who you are and the features you have. So in conclusion, what is inside really does count and beauty is not skin deep.
Thanks for listening.

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