Thursday, January 7, 2010

My first Blog award!!!

First I would love to thank Laura who's blog is Tidbits from my Mind for this amazing award!!! It is really pretty!

Here is a link to her blog which is amazing by the way!
Tidbits From My Mind

Ok now to write 7 interesting things about myself? Here it goes.
1.I suppose the thing that stands out to me as most interesting is that I can't smell. I was born without the ability. It can be both a blessing and a curse I suppose. I feel it is a blessing when it comes to stinky stuff and a curse when I really wish I could smell the smell that people talk about just after it rains. Or a rose and what it smells like. I have learned that a sense of smell can come in handy with baking but it can also be so wonderful to not smell the yucky smells that are out there such as a freshly manured field. Yes I live in the country and it is funny to watch everyone's noses scrunch when the wind blows in just the right direction after a farmer has spread manure on his field! I don't smell a thing! lol
2.I love sunsets and how absolutely amazing they are and I love to photograph them.
3.I love helping people. There is something amazing about helping a person and seeing their condition improve whether it be physical, emotional or financial and knowing you have made a difference in someone's life.
4.I love peanut butter to a point that it is almost an obsession possibly! I can not go without peanut butter or it would not be pretty! lol
5. I have a green thumb apparently and the one thing I still can not do sadly though is bring plants back from the dead. lol Dead is dead. Almost dead and apparently dead (but not) I can help but all dead plants I can not help. lol
6.I have overcome alot of obsctacles in my life and I am proud to say that through these obstacles I have learned to live life to the fullest I can. I am still working on taking life as it comes and to have patience but I am working on that one! I am human and sometimes lose sight of this but I always get back on track again. :)
7.I teach my cat tricks and it can totally be done and is quite fun. My kitty Felix knows high five, sit, down, around and I am currently teaching him to crawl!!

7 bloggers to nominate? Well I do not know 7 yet so I will post the ones I do follow and love and maybe I can search down a few more to follow and suggest. I hope that is ok.
Tidbits From My Mind
Woofy's Musings
I Will Run
Lost In Thought

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